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6 pieces of advice for your scholarship application journey

Written by Destan Kara, Bachelor of Psychological Science / Bachelor of Laws  (CRICOS 093921M) student and Excellence Scholarship recipient

Destan Kara stands with her hands clasped in a meeting room. She is speaking with a woman with grey hair.
Destan Kara

Applying for university can be exciting – as you finalise your time at high school, it’s one of the next big steps you’ll take towards gaining life, learning, and career-related experience. However, it can also be a daunting task for many. During high school, there are many questions about what’s next. Will you get into your chosen degree? What about your first preference of universities? And how about scholarships? The list goes on. 

As a Bond University Excellence scholar myself, I accumulated some tips and tricks during my scholarship application journey, and am happy to be able to share this information with those of you who may need it. Below are a few pieces of advice about making the most of the scholarship – and uni – application process.  

Put yourself out there

As someone who has also gone through the end of school exams, making educationally impactful choices and applying for university, my number one piece of advice is this: you must first take a step, because you never know the outcome of something until you’ve given it a go. 

I encourage you to apply this knowledge to the scholarship application process. Don’t let the doubts swirling in your mind hold you back from putting yourself out there, and uncovering a positive, potentially life-changing opportunity. When all is said and done, you’ll know you’ve done everything you can – and that’s truly where the value in this experience lies.

Apply, apply, apply

Get in on the trend early and start your university applications with ample time. Begin by doing some research on possible avenues, and then look at things that could enhance your experience, such as facilities, rankings, standout features, and of course, scholarships. 

Here at Bond, we have a wide range of scholarships available to eligible applicants, including academic, sporting, and leadership scholarships. 


Destan Kara poses in front of a garden with a domed building in the background

Have fun with it

When it’s time to write your application, get creative! What is important is that you reflect you through your writing and the things about yourself that you highlight. Authenticity is key!

Consider hobbies and interests

Don’t simply focus on your academic achievements when completing your scholarship applications – let your hobbies and interests shine, too. I was part of a music group that toured, performed, and participated in national music competitions, of course I made sure to acknowledge and include this on my applications when the time came!

Don’t be afraid to ask for a little help

I am someone who generally likes to deal with things individually, and can get caught up in ploughing through tasks on my own. While in some instances this is valuable, when it came to my university and scholarship applications, it paid off to ask for help. 

Once I tendered the first draft of my application, I went and consulted with my English teachers – not one, but three of them! Each read through my work and gave me some feedback on grammar, structure, and the tone of my writing, which really helped me to deliver a polished final product.

Destan Kara, a woman with short dark hair, smiles at the camera

Reach out to universities that interest you

Lastly, don’t discount the benefits of speaking to someone at your universities of choice about the application process. At Bond, our Future Student Advisors and Future Student Liaisons (like myself) are a wealth of knowledge. Who better to consult than Bondies themselves? 

During my application process, I spoke with Bond alumni, current students, and a Future Student Advisor, each of whom provided a valuable perspective on how to enhance and solidify my application for the best possible chance at success. 


I hope that these tips encourage you to take advantage of the positive opportunities available to you, take steps towards things that you want, and feel comfortable asking for a little support along the way. All in all, though, what’s most important during the process of applying for a scholarship is that you’ve tried your best, and put time and effort into enhancing your learning experience. 

And, you never know – the outcome could be what helps you make that all-important decision of where to go for university! 

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