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A day in the life of a final-semester Law and International Relations student

Written by Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Relations student, Erin Cronin.

As a final-semester student at Bond, my schedule is action-packed – there’s always something to be done. Each day is different, and I’m definitely more productive on some days than others. With the finish line in sight, come along with me on a typical day in my life studying law and international relations.

7.45am – 9am: 

I’m not a morning person, and I’ve accepted that. At 7:45am I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed, into the shower, and then downstairs to make a cup of tea. Whilst drinking my tea I tend to check my messages. I’m undertaking two internships this semester, one of which is virtual… and based in Europe. The tasks I’m given are quite self-directed, so I can work on them at times that suit me. However, most of the messages and tasks I receive come in whilst I’m asleep, so I try to spend a few minutes catching up on these when I first wake up.

I then get ready for the day, drinking my tea whilst picking an outfit, doing my hair and makeup, and packing my bag for uni. I enjoy having ample time to get ready in the morning, and usually do this whilst listening to music or BBC News.

9am – 10am:

At 9am, it’s off to work. I live at home with my family on the northern end of the Gold Coast. I try to be ready to leave an hour before I need to be at Bond, because I know I’ll usually be running 10 minutes behind time and like to give myself some leeway. Then it’s 45 minutes or so of driving, listening to music, and relaxing before the day ahead.

10am – 12pm: 

My first commitment of the day is working, and I work at Bond! I’m a Future Student Liaison down at the Office of Future Students – so I spend a few hours engaging with prospective and future Bondies, answering questions about campus life and my course of study, and running campus tours. I love connecting with the Bond community, and I’m so grateful to have a job I enjoy!

12pm – 2pm: 

With no time to rest, after work I head straight to a lecture on ‘Legal Profession’, the last of my compulsory law subjects! I try my best to copy my notes across the night before so I can really engage in the lecture, but I usually don’t have time, and so, spend the lecture sorting my notes out. The ten-minute break is the perfect amount of time to head across to Pulse Café to get a tea or coffee, and the short walk is a great opportunity to chat with friends before the second half of the lecture.

2pm – 5pm: 

After my lecture, I then hop back in the car and drive home. I’m never at my most productive in the afternoon, so I usually give myself this time to have a rest and run some errands. Today I picked my mum up from work and we chatted over tea, I sorted out some emails for the debating teams I coach and adjudicate, and I sent off a document for my internship. I then spend an hour tutoring primary school maths, a topic entirely different from my usual studies!

5pm – 7.30pm: 

I’m a member of Bond’s International Criminal Court (ICC) moot team, and we’re currently preparing to represent Bond internationally in mooting. Tonight we’re competing in a friendly round against universities in Germany and Cambodia, so I hop on Zoom after I get home from tutoring. I’m the researcher on the team, so I spend the time taking notes on questions and trying to identify the strengths and weaknesses in our, and the other parties’, cases.

Erin participates in a virtual moot from the comfort of her own home

7.30pm – 8.30pm: 

After finishing the moot and a debrief with the team, I then move on to my favourite part of the day, making and eating dinner! I love to cook, and preparing food with my family is something I always look forward to. I make my favourite dinner – carbonara – and eat it with my parents. I then take some time for a break, where I chat with my family, spend time with my dog, and watch TV.

8.30pm – 11pm: 

It’s only week 2, so I don’t have too much work to do tonight, but after dinner I head upstairs, turn on my fairy lights, and get ready to do some more work. I take a break to read the news and drink some (more) tea before getting started. I intended to work on a law tutorial, but I’m not really feeling it, so instead I make a mind-map of my thoughts for an IR presentation, then plan out my outfits for my (other) internship starting next week. I finish the day by lighting a lavender candle, chatting to a friend from my study abroad, listening to music, and inevitably watching TikToks for far too long. Then it’s off to bed, ready to start again tomorrow!

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