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Mentorship offered to budding entrepreneurs

He's building Australia's first "product-disruptive" bank, but first Krish Gosai is lending his talents to the next generation of entrepreneurs looking to cash in on their big idea.

Mr Gosai, co-founder and chief commercial officer at DayTek Capital, is offering free consultations with students taking Bond University's fee-free Transformer entrepreneurship program.

Mr Gosai, who completed his Bachelor of Laws at Bond in 2016, is making himself available every Monday and Wednesday between 10am and midday, via Zoom, to discuss business ideas with the university's Transformer students.

A solicitor by trade, Mr Gosai has been involved in the start-up phase of several companies and sits on multiple boards, providing strategy, corporate governance and risk guidance.

His current focus is Infinity, described as Australia's first "product-disruptive" digital bank.

Mr Gosai said while Transformer did not exist when he attended Bond, he was looking forward to doing his bit to help current students who were looking to progress their business ideas.

"Universities are great and you learn a lot there, but there are also students who are a bit entrepreneurial in their nature. Being able to support those students who have those ideas and ambitions is fantastic. I definitely support that, especially given my own journey," he said.

"There are a lot of things I've seen when businesses fail or when they're trying to get off the ground, and hopefully my experiences can assist students in some capacity.

"For example, have they thought about how they are going to structure their venture, how are they going to mobilise and commercialise their idea, what are the next steps forwards, do they need funding, what is the marketing plan and go-to-market strategy, etc."

He said while the COVID-19 environment was challenging for start-ups, several successful companies, such as Airbnb, Square and Uber emerged from the global financial crisis of 2008.

"There's a lot of challenges but there's a lot of opportunities as well.

"Students, entrepreneurs, or people in general, just need to have the conviction to go after it, to take the risk and give it a go, it might work or it might not. Whatever the outcome, there's always points of learning you can take out of it."

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