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Siblings choose Bond after travel plans cancelled

They are meant to be travelling the world. 

Instead siblings Indy and Jameson Booth are both studying at Bond University remotely from their family home in Wagga Wagga. 

Indy, 18, was six days into a gap year in the USA when COVID-19 forced her back to Australia, while brother Jameson, 20, was working on the Canadian slopes. 

Now as fate would have it, they are back in Australia and both studying the same degree. 

“It was an accident, we didn’t know each other were doing the same degree!” said Indy. 

“I’m meant to be on a gap year in the USA but I was there for a week before having to come home.
“I decided to start Bond this semester, but I’ll have to do it from home in Wagga Wagga. 

“I don’t know what to expect with the distance studying, I think it’ll be easier to balance the academic side of things I guess.” 

The siblings both started a Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce when Bond's semester two returned on May 25, and are excited at the prospect of moving to the Gold Coast later in the year. 

“We’ll both be studying at home until September,” said Indy. 

“We are so keen to come up to the Gold Coast, we have been there a lot growing up, our family loves it. 

“I suggested to Jameson that he should look at Bond because of the accelerated subjects and because he’s been overseas for a couple of years, he would be able to get his degree done faster. 

“My parents were very impressed. 

“He applied and he didn’t tell me. Jameson did over 40 countries in two years, he was working the slopes in Canada. That’s where he was before COVID. 

“I think we’ll study separately, I like to be at my desk and be organised, he can work from anywhere. 

“I think study will be a shock to his system after travelling for two years.” 

While most universities start their second semester in a couple of months, Bond University will have some students returning to campus for their second semester as COVID-19 restrictions start to ease.
The University has mapped a staged campus reactivation plan that is consistent with Government and Health advice. Libraries and student study areas will be open with social distancing protocols in operation.

A limited number of sports facilities will be opened on a staged booking basis.

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