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Centre for Evidence-Informed Health Decisions

Our goals

The Centre for Evidence-Informed Health Decisions is primarily focussed on conducting research that helps people to make informed decisions about health – including health professionals, patients, and the public. The research aimed at health professionals includes developing and evaluating strategies and tools to increase the awareness and usability of evidence about interventions and skills for incorporating this into conversations with patients.

The Centre’s interdisciplinary research draws upon the areas of evidence-based practice, shared decision making, health communication, knowledge translation, and public health.

The Centre also conducts workshops in evidence-based practice and shared decision making. This training is directed at health professionals and health professional students of all disciplines. The Centre also leads research about the teaching of these skills. A 4th edition of the widely used "Evidence-Based Practice: Across the Health Professions" text has been published in 2023.

The Centre co-ordinates the Australian Shared Decision Making Network. If you're interested in joining the network, please email the SDM Network Chair - Professor Tammy Hoffmann.



Current grants

  1. NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship: Prof Tammy Hoffmann OAM - Using shared decision making to improve the appropriateness of healthcare for individuals and the system (1/1/2019—31/3/2025)
  2. National Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant: A novel strategy for improving the prescription of effective non-drug interventions for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care - the 'e-HANDI': a codesign and feasibility trial (1/01/2023-1/01/2024)

Previous grants

  1. A NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (Ask, Share, Know: Rapid Evidence for General Practice Decisions) to improve the uptake of evidence-based practice and shared decision making in primary care. This CRE and its network of general practices identifies clinical issues and develops and tests evidence summaries and decision-making tools to solve these issues.
  2. A NHMRC Project Grant that is exploring the use of shared decision making about antibiotic use for acute respiratory infections in primary care.
  • Projects for the ACSQHC to develop and test shared decision making online training module for health professionals and patient decision aids.
  • Projects for the ACI to implement and evaluate shared decision making interventions, and SDM training 
  • Project for RACGP-Therapeutic Guidelines to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of additional guideline features to enhance prescribing decisions in general practice.