Physical Reserve
The Reserve Collections in the Main and Law libraries contain hard copies of materials that are in high-demand to support teaching programs. Items are available to students on short loans of 3 hours. Usually, one copy of textbooks or DVDs is placed in the Reserve Collection with additional copies on 7-day loan.
- Tag the citation in your resource list with "Add to Course Reserve". If you are not using a resource list contact your Faculty Librarian.
You can check in Library Search or your Resource List to confirm the availability of items in the reserve collection.
In your resource list, you can easily see if the Library already has access to full-text articles or ebooks. When we don't have licensed content for a citation, the Library can digitise one chapter or article, or make 10% of a work available at any one time on behalf of the whole University. When permission has been obtained from the copyright holder, these can also be managed by the Library. In your resource list:
- Add the citation details
- Upload a pdf if you already have a copy
- Tag the citation with "Scan to eReserve"
- Links to digitised content will be available to students within the resource list
The Resource List Guide for educators includes full details and videos on how to use the service.
If you have not used the Resource List service before, or have other specific requirements, contact your faculty librarian. They can also help identify alternative resources, when copyright prevents digitisation.
You do not need to submit a purchase suggestion for class resources - just add them to the resource list as prescribed or recommended resources.