To be successful in your business career it is important for you to understand human behaviour and how it can be applied to all areas of an organisation. This program will equip you with the skills and knowledge to become an effective leader but also provide you with a deep understanding of human interactions, relationships, and behaviours, giving you the versatility to make an impact in any industry.
Where will your degree take you?
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Career readiness
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Program learning outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge, skills and abilities that will be achieved on completion of the program. These outcomes will help you determine whether this program aligns with your professional pathway, career and learning goals.
View Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Social Science learning outcomes
- Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge in business and relevant social science disciplines.
- Display cognitive, technical and communication skills, and synthesise knowledge with depth in one or more disciplinary areas.
- Utilise problem-solving and communication skills to effectively present arguments.
- Demonstrate coherent knowledge and skills for professional work and/or further learning, including proactive planning, effective decision-making, and adaptive strategies in relation to different contexts.
- Apply relevant theories, concepts and techniques to common tasks within the field of business studies associated with the degree
- Critically analyse and evaluate common issues or problems in the field of business studies associated with the degree.
- Generate creative solutions that address an identified business need, opportunity or problem.
- Reflect on one's personal learning experience to extract and evaluate insights.
- Recognise the cultural, environmental and social considerations of individual behaviour and organisational operations in a field of business studies associated with the degree.
- Orally communicate business information to a diverse professional audience using appropriate visual aides.
- Deliver a logically constructed persuasive presentation using appropriate visual aids.
- Articulate ideas, decisions, recommendations and other information in a clear, concise writing style tailored to a given audience.
- Collaborate effectively with others to complete a project or group task.