NHMRC Leadership Level 2 Fellowship | 2025-2029 | $3.4M | Enhancing evidence-informed health decisions and patient-centred sustainable healthcare | Hoffmann T |
NHMRC Leadership Level 2 Fellowship | 2024-2026 | $2.6M | Modernising cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of heart disease | Redfern J |
MRFF Clinical Trials Activity | 2024-2028 | $4.8M | Evidence-based Antimicrobial Stewardship: Sustainable Implementation in Primary Care – The EASSI-PC Trial | Led by IEBH Glasziou P, Bakhit M, Hoffmann T, Manski-Nankervis J, Morgan M, Biezen R, Peters S, Stocks NP, Magin PJ, Wale J, Buising K, Jones M |
NHMRC Synergy Grant | 2024-2025 | $816,669 | Solving the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (SOLVE-CHD) | Led by University of Sydney - Redfern J, Gallagher R, Briffa T, O'Neill A, Jennings G, Brieger D, Wood D, Bauman A |
NHMRC MRFF Post-Acute Sequalae of COVID-19 | 2024-2025 | $312,379 | Australian Long COVID Adaptive Platform Trial – ALCAP trial | Led by IEBH Glasziou P, Keech AC, Byambasuren O, Bonney A, Marschner IC, Yeoman P, Zwar N, Guppy M, Reid CM, Bakhit M, Kyaw-Mint SM, Faux S, Crotty M |
MRFF Primary Health Care Digital Innovations | 2023-2027 | $1.6M | The NOTUS trial (Non-pharmacological Treatment for chronic low back pain Using digital health technology) | Led by Neuroscience Research Australia – Mcauley JH, Rizzo R, Moseley GL, Williams C, Traeger AC, Cashin A, Maher C, Goodall S, Machado GC, Gustin S, Sharpe AL, Byambasuren O, McCaffrey K, Yoong SL |
NHMRC | 2022-2026 | $2.5M | Wiser Healthcare: better value care for all Australians | Led by University of Sydney – McCaffery K, Carter S, Barratt A, Bell K, Moynihan R, O’Connor D, Maher CG, Buchbinder R, Houssami N, Glasziou P |
NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow Investigator Grant | 2022-2026 | $957,375 | Optimising the uptake of effective underused non-drug evidence-based interventions in primary care | Albarqouni L |
MRFF | 2022-2025 | $3M | PROMOTE: a cluster-randomised implementation trial to promote evidence use | Led by Flinders University – Lannin NA, Joliffe L, Reeder S, Cadilhac DA, Lynch EA, Adey-Wakeling Z, Hoffmann T, Dean CM, Scrivener K, Churilov L, Hayward K, Hill K |