As you begin your pathway through your Allied Health studies, you will be attaining a broad range of diverse skills and acquiring knowledge vital to your professional success. One of those skills will be meeting and managing a range of Fit to Practice requirements such as:
security checks
health protection evidence
signed documentation
training modules
as well as additional training modules and certification as requested by individual hospitals or clinics.
As you progress through your program, it is your responsibility to keep your Fit To Practice current, as you won't be able to attend your placements if there is any task that has not been completed or has become out of date. If this occurs, your advancement through the program may be reviewed and you may be held back.
Completing your Fit To Practice evidence can be daunting and even more so if you are coming from overseas. With that in mind, we cannot stress enough how important it is to make a start on your tasks while still in your home country. There is much you can do! In fact, most of your tasks can and should be done ahead of time and before you leave.
Below is a list of all the Fit To Practice evidence that you can complete prior to arriving in Australia: • Hep B vaccination & serology evidence • MMR vaccination or serology evidence • dTpa vaccination evidence • Varicella vaccination or serology evidence • NSW Health Blood Borne Virus form • NSW Health Student Declaration Form/Undertaking form • NSW TB Assessment Form • NSW Health Code of Conduct • ClinConnect & AIR Permission Form • QLD Health Student Deed Poll • QLD Health Allied Health Student Training and Evidence Record • QLD Health iLearn Training • Overseas Police Check • COVID vaccination/s approved or recognised by the Australian TGA
** See drop downs below for full information on how to complete each task.
It is in your best interest to get all the above tasks completed before you leave because once you arrive in Queensland you will be very busy settling in, studying and completing the remainder of your Fit To Practice requirements . So, the more you can get done prior departing your home country the better. It will also fast track your becoming Fit To Practice so you are not risking your eligibility to attend placement due to late compliance submission and verification.
Some tasks can only be completed on arrival into Queensland. This takes time and we are here to support you in completing those as soon as possible once you arrive:
QLD Working With Children Check and NDIS Disability Clearance Check (combined application)
QLD Health Student Orientation Checklist
Australian Police Check
CPR and First Aid
Influenza vaccination
COVID vaccinations if received in Australia or TGA approved/recognised
National Hand Hygiene Training
Bond University Student ID card
** See drop downs below for full information on how to complete each task.
Make a start on your Fit To Practice tasks early (you will be glad you did!) and please reach out to us [email protected] if you need any extra support either pre- or post-arrival into Queensland. We are here to help and look forward to seeing you soon!
You are required to upload your Fit to Practice evidence during Orientation Week and be fully Fit to Practice by Week 6 (unless undertaking vaccination schedules. Please contact us at [email protected] if this is the case.
If you are a current student, please refer to the Osler emails notifying you that a task is due to expire. It will detail the timeframes you have to renew the requirement. If you allow a task to elapse, it may hold you back from attending placements.
Osler is the clinical governance and clinical performance platform that allows students to certify their clinical competency. All Fit to Practice requirements for students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine are managed through the Osler platform.
As you complete each Fit to Practice task, you will need to upload your PDF evidence to Osler for review and verification.
The first step is to download the Osler ePortfolio:
For further information on Osler processes, please click here
To download the Osler ePortfolio, please click here
PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to access your Osler until Orientation Week when your student IT is activated. If you attempt to download Osler prior to this, you will receive an error message.
Process for reviewing documents submitted to Osler:
Once you have uploaded a document to the task on your Osler dashboard, ensure you press SUBMIT DOCUMENT. If you don’t remember to SUBMIT the document, we are unable to see that it is waiting for review
Task will change from Pending to Submitted if you have done this correctly
The Fit to Practice Team will review the document to ensure it is in PDF format, correctly named (refer Saving your document dropdown below) and meets the requirements for that task
If all correct, the document will be Verified and will disappear from your Osler dashboard
If the document is rejected, the task will revert to Pending and re-appear on your Osler dashboard where further action is required from you
You will also receive an Osler email to your Bond student email account, outlining the reason for rejection
Please save all documents as a PDF using the naming instructions as detailed in each task.
If you upload a file that is not in the correct format, your task will be rejected, and you will have to upload the document again in the correct format. This may affect your ability to attend placements.
Please be aware that some sites have their own specific documents and training modules you will be required to complete prior to attending your placement. You will be advised well in advance if these are required and how to complete them.
An Australian National Police Certificate (NPC) ensures you are cleared to work with vulnerable people, including children, the elderly and people with an illness or disability.
In order to be Fit to Practice for this study program, you need to apply for An Australian Federal Police National Police Check Code 37.
Important information before you apply:
You do not require a fingerprint check
International students must wait until they arrive and have a place of residency in Australia
This requirement is in addition to NDIS and QLD Blue card clearance.
As well as an Australian Police Certificate (NPC), any student that is not an Australian citizen also requires an International Criminal History Check (also known as an Overseas Police Check). You can choose one of the following options:
A. Obtain a national police check from your home country (easiest before you leave for Australia) or apply for a police check online once you are in Australia.
B. Once you are in Australia, complete a NSW Health Statutory Declaration for Overseas Applicants or Students. This form must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace. (This option is FREE.) Justices of the peace (JPs) and Commissioners for declarations (Cdecs) are available on campus to assist with witnessing and certifying legal documents for Bond University students and staff. In all cases it is necessary to contact the staff member and make an appointment. More information can be found here.
What if I have a criminal history?
If you do have a criminal history, this can exclude you from enrolment in your chosen program, clinical placement and/or registration to practise with your relevant registration board. Please seek guidance from HSM’s Office of Student Affairs & Service Quality prior to commencing your program. Contact [email protected].
Additional Information:
Who needs it: International students, permanent residents and NZ citizens.
How to apply: Online, in your home country or complete a NSW Health Statutory Declaration for Overseas Applicants or Students
Cost: Varies for option A and no cost for option B
Valid for: 3 years
Save PDF evidence as: LAST NAME First Name – International Police Check
The Blue Card system is a key prevention and monitoring system of people working with children and young people in Queensland. It assesses a person’s eligibility to hold a blue card or exemption card based on their known past police and disciplinary information.
All applicants will need to verify their identity, obtain a photo and a customer reference number (CRN) from the QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) before you can make your application. Click here for locations.
1. After you obtain a CRN, visit the QLD Government Blue card applications website and check the requirements that best suit you. 2. Register for the online Blue Card Services (BCS) account. After you create an account, you will receive an account number via email. 3. Forward the email with your account number and your date of birth to [email protected]. We will link you to Bond University and your fee will be waived. You will then receive an email from BCS advising this has been done and you can continue with your application. 4. Log in to your BCS account and complete your application. Please choose student placement option. 5. When you receive your Blue Card confirmation email, please submit a PDF copy to Osler.
Already have a Blue Card?
If you already have a valid Blue Card, you will need to link your card to Bond University. Please email a copy of your Blue Card and proof of your identity ID (eg Drivers License) to [email protected]and we will link your current card to Bond University for you. If your current Blue Card is within 16 weeks of expiry you should renew it with a combined Blue Card and NDIS combined application.
IMPORTANT: If your application is refused, you will be issued with a negative notice which prohibits you from providing or engaging in child-related activities – this can prevent you from continuing in your program at Bond University.
Additional Information:
How to apply: In person at the TMR and Online – You must have a QLD address to apply.
The Disability Worker Screening system determines whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles, to create safe environments and improve the quality of services and supports being delivered to people with disability in Queensland.
IMPORTANT: If you don’t already have a Qld Blue Card or if your current Qld Blue Card is within 16 weeks of expiry you should make a combined NDIS and Blue Card application. For further information, click here.
How to apply:
Step 1:
All applicants will need to verify their identity, obtain a photo and a customer reference number (CRN) from the QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) before you can make your application. Information on locations can be found here.
1. If you do not already have a QLD CRN, you must obtain a CRN and have your photo taken at a Qld TMR service centre. 2. Once you have your CRN, register for an online Qld Government account. 3. After you have registered for your online account, you must log in to the online worker portal to apply using important tips below.
Please note: Make a combined application for a NDIS Workers Screening Card and a Blue Card if these are your first cards or if your existing Blue Card is within 16 weeks of expiry.
Step 2:
For the NDIS application:
Apply as a volunteer/student NDIS worker(not state funded)
Choose the correct Disability card - the NDIS Worker Screening card.
Choose the Community Support Services option, when prompted, for the NDIS card
Enter Bond University Employer ID # 4-FZ0TMGG (if required)
When you receive your Worker Screening approval confirmation email, please submit a copy to Osler. Please note that the NDIS approval emails are often going to junk/spam folders so please keep an eye out there as well as your inbox for the approval email. NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC)
Additional Information:
How to apply: you must be in Australia and have an Australian address to apply
Only complete if you are an Occupational Therapy student or if directed by the Fit to Practice Coordinator.
The Working with Children Check (WWCC) is a requirement for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work in NSW. It involves a National Police Check (criminal history record check) and a review of reportable workplace misconduct.
You must be in Australia and have an Australian address to apply
1. Apply for your check online. You will receive an application number. 2. Take your application number and acceptable proof of identity to a Service NSW location.
The closest Service NSW location to Bond University is: Tweed Heads Service Centre Tweed Mall Shopping Centre, Shop 16-17 Wharf Street, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Open: 8:30am to 5:30pm Phone: 137 788 (Acceptable proof of identity includes: Passport or Australian Driver’s Licence AND Bank Card AND Proof of your Queensland address or Campus Accommodation Agreement.)
3. You will receive a letter by post or email with your Working With Children Check number (e.g. WWC0123456V) and expiry date.
4. Save a PDF copy as NSWWWCC LAST NAME First Name
5. Upload to Osler. When you click “Submit Documents”, enter the date your WWCC was issued.
6. Keep the original in a safe place.
Documents to read, complete and sign
During your program you may be required to attend both Queensland and New South Wales health facilities. In order to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements for each state, Bond University uses a combination of QLD Health and NSW Health forms.
NOTE: Signatures Must be HANDWRITTEN. Digital signatures of any sort will not be accepted.
The ClincConnect & AIR Permission Form grants your permission for Bond University to provide NSW Health with essential information required to arrange your clinical placements at NSW Health Facilities.
The form also grants your permission for the Northern NSW Local Health District OASV Assessor to access your Immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation Register, if required, as part of the Occupational Screening & Vaccination Assessment against Specified Infectious Diseases process. This process is required for you to be verified in ClinConnect for NSW Health placements.
To be eligible to attend clinical placement, all students must complete the NSW Health Code of Conduct Agreement. This is an agreement between you and NSW Health and governs your conduct while on placement at NSW Health facilities.
What to do:
Click here to read the Policy Directive: NSW Health Code of Conduct – no need to print or sign it.
The NSW Blood Borne Virus Student Declaration Form is a triennial requirement for all students to attend placements. It requires you to complete a declaration confirming that you have had new serological testing for HIV, Hep B and HCV every three years and you are aware of your BBV status.
(For an EXAMPLE form highlighting required fields click here)
What to do:
Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure you complete all sections of the form correctly:
Once you have completed HIV, Hep B and HCV testing and read the Guidelines linked in the BBV form, PLACE YOUR INITIALS IN THE RIGHT-HAND COLUMN OF EACH SECTION
Select either A or B, write the date of your blood tests and initial the column to the right.
Read, “I agree to the following….” and initial the column to the right.
Complete the bottom section of the form with your full name, DOB, student ID, email, education provider (Bond University), date and signature. (Signatures Must be HANDWRITTEN. Digital signatures of any sort will not be accepted.)
Upload the completed form to Osler. NOTE: You do not need to provide the results of your blood tests.
Additional Information:
Valid for: 3 Years and you will need to be retested and provide evidence during your study program.
You must complete the NSW Health TB Assessment Tool correctly and in full before your immunisation evidence can be assessed by the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Immunisation).
NOTE: If you were born in or have spent 12 weeks or more at any time in your life in countries considered high risk for TB, you will need to undertake TB screening in Australia.
What to do:
Read the form carefully!
Complete all questions in Parts A, B & C, including your country of birth and your travel details (use a separate page if necessary) in PartC
Complete all personal details at the top of the form. REMEMBER TO SIGN.
NOTE: Signatures Must be HANDWRITTEN. Digital signatures of any sort will not be accepted.
Additional Information:
Valid for: The duration of your program UNLESS you leave Australia to visit a high-incidence TB country during your program, and this takes your total time IN YOUR LIFETIME to 12 weeks or more etc (cumulative) during your program. In this case you will need to submit a new form for assessment.
Save PDF copy as: LAST NAME First Name TB Assessment
When saving do not use any commas, underscores, dash etc or it will be rejected
To be eligible to attend clinical placement, all students must complete a QLD Health Student Deed Poll for the Hospital and Health Service (HHS) that is relevant to the Qld Health facility you are attending. You must have a new Deed Poll in place for each different HHS you attend. See here for HHS list for each site.
The Qld Health Student Deed Poll confirms the contractual relationship between you (as a student), Bond University and the Hospital and Health Service that you are attending. This document is a record of your agreement to attend and participate in your pre-entry clinical placement under the terms that are stated in the Deed Poll. This is a legal document and you must:
sign the form and have it witnessed (witness can be a classmate/family member etc)
and you both must write your name in full, sign and date the final page of the Deed Poll.
(For an EXAMPLE form highlighting required fields click here)
Why is a NEW Student Deed Poll required for each placement?
As the obligations agreed by you as part of the Student Deed Poll relate to only the placement for which the Deed Poll is signed and ends at the completion of the placement, a NEW Student Deed Poll is required for each placement. All students must initially have a Deed Poll in place for ‘Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’ when they first commence in the program. As your program progresses and you are placed at various Qld Health facilities, you must provide a new Deed Poll for each HHS you attend.
What to do:
Read the Group A Student Deed Poll carefully (remember this is a binding legal document that you are signing)
Page 1:
Student name field : Write your full name
HHS field: Write ‘Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’ if you are just commencing your program and have not yet been allocated a placement Note: If you have been assigned a placement site as you progress through your program, write the HHS that is relevant to the facility you will be attending (refer to HHS list link)
Education Provider and ABN field: Write ‘Bond UniversityABN88 010 694 121
Page 8:
Witness: Witness must write full name, date and sign
Student: Student must write full name, date and sign
NOTE: Signatures Must be HANDWRITTEN. Digital signatures of any sort will not be accepted.
Additional information:
Valid for: The duration of your program unless terminated by you or QLD Health
Save PDF as: LAST NAME First Name Deed Poll
When saving do not use any commas, underscores, dash etc or it will be rejected
Tick only those boxes for the tasks you have completed or are relevant to Bond compliance (eg do not tick Aged Care criminal history check or Corrective Services criminal history check as you will not have completed them, and they are not Bond compliance requirements).
Ensure you write the dates of your vaccinations and/or date of positive serology as instructed.
Ensure you read all documents/guidelines as required under the Compliance section of the form.
Complete all details and sign at bottom of page 2.
NOTE: Signatures Must be HANDWRITTEN. Digital signatures of any sort will not be accepted.
Additional information:
You must keep your original QLD Health Student Deed Poll and Checklist and take the print-out with you on the first day of each placement with a QLD Health facility.
Save PDF as: LAST NAME First Name Student Checklist
Upload to Osler
Health protection evidence
During your program, you’ll be dealing with private and public patients and clients, professional athletes, members of the community and vulnerable people. Ensuring your immunity to infectious diseases is essential for their protection, as well as your own.
We suggest you work through the three steps to health protection with a medical professional. Attaining full immunity and verification for placement can take a few months, so it is important to start early.
Please be aware that in certain specialised clinical settings and in some health facilities there may be additional vaccinations or other evidence of protection required to ensure that the risk to vulnerable patients is minimised. This can occur at any stage throughout your program. You will be advised if Fit To Practice requirements change or if additional vaccinations or evidence are required for your placement.
Bond University works with NSW Health’s Clinical Nurse Specialist (Immunisation) to verify your immunity to infectious diseases and authorise you to undertake clinical placement at Australian health facilities. You cannot attend placement if you are not verified and compliant.
Immunisation compliance requirements are strict. You must provide all required evidence for each disease, or you will not be eligible for placement and your progress through the program will be affected.
Please also be aware, that while we review submission of documents initially, your health protection evidence will be further verified by a NSW Health Clinical Immunisation Specialist Nurse. You will be contacted directly if further action is required.
Protecting yourself through vaccination will help to protect the people you care for, your family and community from the impacts of COVID-19 including serious illness, hospitalisation and death. Vaccination continues to be important in managing the risks related to COVID-19 in high-risk settings
Many placement providers continue to mandate evidence of further Covid-19 vaccinations, particularly Aged Care facilities. Students attending placement at these facilities are expected to comply with the individual facility requirements, including the specific number of doses required as determined by that facility.
Bond University’s Fit to Practice directive is that Medical and Allied Health students provide evidence of having received a minimum of one single primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Regular booster vaccinations are highly recommended as per the guidelines
There are 2 options for you to provide evidence of COVID-19 vaccination:
An Immunisation History Statement – displays all vaccinations or medical contraindications and authorised exemptions, including COVID-19, that have been reported to the Australian Immunisation Register.
For international students who have had COVID-19 vaccines administered overseas, official overseas COVID-19 vaccination records are acceptable evidence if the Fit To Practice Coordinator is satisfied that the evidence is from a legitimate source, the vaccine is approved for use or recognised in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), and it was received on or after 1 March 2020.
Note: Vaccination records recorded in a foreign language must be officially translated by either using the Free Translating Service website provided by the Department of Home Affairs or using a local translation service.
dTPa: Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping cough).
One adult dose of dTpa vaccine - valid for 10years from date of vaccination.
If your dTpa vaccination will expire during your program, you will need to have a new Adacel or Boostrix vaccination at the commencement of your program to meet compliance requirements.
If you were born in or have spent 12 weeks in your lifetime or more in countries considered high-risk for TB, you will need to undertake TB screening in Australia.
If screening is required, you will need to request an Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) TB Quantiferon test from your doctor. Not all pathology collection centres can perform the test, it’s a good idea to call your nearest centre first to check.
Additional Information:
Save PDF evidence as: LAST NAME First name TB Result
Students are required to be fit tested for N95 masks as a requirement for placements in certain clinical settings. You will be advised in due course after commencement of your program when you have been scheduled for a mask fit test. Ensure you follow all instructions contained in the email and attend your allocated mask fit test session. After your fit test you will be provided with a fit test card. Please submit a copy of this card to the N95 mask fit test task in Osler.
Additional Information:
How to obtain a mask fit test: Faculty will provide instructions regarding your fit test.
Allied health students wishing to undertake a clinical placement in a Queensland Government Hospital and Health Service must complete a number of training modules.
This training involves watching videos and reading PDF’s
As you progress through training modules in Mandatory training for Students Step 2 A and 2 B, you will need to sign and date the Record of Allied Health Student Training (PDF 1074 kB).
The completed, signed and dated evidence record must be uploaded to Osler under the Qld Health Allied Student Training Experience task
IMPORTANT: You must also provide this form to the Clinical Educator (or other nominated contact where a clinical education is not available) at each Queensland Government Hospital and Health Service placement site at the commencement of each placement.
The National Hand Hygiene Initiative Module helps ensure the prevention of health care associated infections and the transmission of antimicrobial resistance. This offers protection for yourself and those you deal with in a clinical setting throughout your program.
What to do: Fill out the information as below to create your account 1. Click here to register for NHHI Training 2. Click “Register Now” 3. Country - Australia 4. You - student 5. Who should see your records - Education Facility 6. Organisation - Bond University 7. Enter your registration details • Occupation – select: − Allied Health Care Student – Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nutrition and Dietetic Practice • AHPRA Number – leave this field blank 8. Create your password and accept terms and conditions 9. Click “sign up now”
Next 10. Complete Hand Hygiene training for Clinical Health Workers module.
Additional Information
The module will generate a certificate upon completion.
Valid for the duration of your program or as required by Health policy guidelines.
The Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine only accepts nationally recognised qualifications issued in Australia by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
This includes:
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR),
Australian Surf Lifesaving Bronze Medallion (accepted for First Aid only - separate CPR required annually
Advanced Life Support (ALS) Certificate.
Please contact us if you have an alternate Australian qualification that you would like us to review and assess for eligibility. Qualifications obtained overseas or via an online provider will not be accepted.
To enrol, you must have an Australian Unique Student Identifier Number (USI). You can apply for your USI here:
** First Aid (HLTAID011) training includes CPR (HLTAID009) – however CPR is only valid for 1 year and is required to be repeated annually.
IMPORTANT: Your First Aid is valid for 3 years and CPR training is valid for 1 year. They must remain current throughout your entire program – not only when you are on placement. Once you receive your initial training, you must not let it lapse at any time during your program.
Additional Information:
Save PDF copies as: LAST NAME First Name CPR and LAST NAME First Name First Aid
To be eligible to attend clinical placement, all students must complete the relevant QLD Health iLearn online learning courses. Please click here for the PDF overview.
NOTE: You are required to upload a Certificate of Completion with your name on it for each module. Commencement badges will not be accepted.
The following forms and training modules are MANDATORY requirements for all Ramsay Health care facilities.
DOCUMENTATION: 1. Student Confidentiality Obligations form click here 2. RHC Student Clinical Placement checklist click here 3. Coronavirus - Mandatory Student Screening Form (This form only is to be taken to Placement facility on first day of placement - DO NOT upload your Coronavirus form to Osler) click here
Click here to complete the below 9 Mandatory eLearning modules.
General Orientation
Code of Conduct
Emergency Management
Privacy law
Appropriate Workplace Behaviour
Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sex-based Harassment
Cyber Security
Managing aggressive behaviour
Additional information:
Complete RHC checklist and Student Confidentiality forms and eLearning for 9 modules.
Save your PDF certificate as LAST NAME_First name_Name of Module
Upload a total of 2 forms and 9 certificates to Osler.
NOTE: Please ensure you save a PDF of your documents in a safe place, as you will be required to upload them to Inplace (The Ramsay portal) PRIOR to attending you allocated placement.
Save your PDF as LAST NAME First name Fire and Emergency Quiz
Upload to the Uniting Care Documents task on Osler.
For e-Learning Modules 2 AND 3 below, please Log into NHHI LMS profile that you registered for in Year 1: * If you are unable to remember your password, you can reset it on this page
2. INFECTION CONTROL - complete training 3. HAND HYGIENE (You completed this module in Year 1 - Upload existing certificate to this task)
NOTE: When e-Learning modules have been completed you can view/download your certificates in the Achievement area of your home page
4. Click on the following link for the UCH Confidentiality and Security form. Please ensure it is signed, dated, and witnessed - handwritten signatures only (not digital)
Additional information:
Upload all 4 documents as PDF files to the Osler Task called Uniting Care Placement Forms.
Being Fit To Practice is your responsibility, but we are here to help you, so it is important to respond immediately to any emails or phone calls from the Fit To Practice team. If you fail to respond to communications, your case will be escalated to the Clinical Placements Manager and your Phase Lead/Head of Program. Do not ignore your Fit To Practice responsibilities. The Fit To Practice Co-ordinator is available to assist you via telephone, email or by face-to-face training (by appointment). Email [email protected] to reach out for assistance.
IMPORTANT: You cannot attend placement if you are non-compliant.
What happens if you cannot attend placement due to non-compliance?
Attendance at placement is a requirement for both your competency-based assessment and in-semester assessment so if you miss placement due to non-compliance, you risk failing your course and not progressing in your program. Students must be fully Fit To Practice before placement, or your placement will be cancelled.
While most of your requirements will remain valid for the duration of your program, certain evidence or tasks will expire, and must be renewed before expiry.
These can include, but are not limited to: • Police Check - every 3 years • Blue Card - every 3 years • BBV - every 3 years • CPR - every 12 months and First Aid - every 3 years • Influenza vaccination - every 12 months • Qld Health iLearn training modules - every 12 months (two modules only - Code of Conduct and First-response evacuation instructions & Building emergency procedures)
In the months leading up to the expiry date you will receive three automated reminder emails prompting you to renew your expiring compliance. Please do not ignore or leave these courtesy emails unactioned and ensure your tasks are renewed prior totheirexpiry.
Don’t leave expiring tasks until the last minute; ensure you complete each task early to allow for time, opportunity and the unexpected. Upload your updated evidence to Osler. Communication is key, so it is essential that you get in contact with us if you have any questions or are having trouble completing certain tasks. Email [email protected] .
IMPORTANTIf you have ignored these emails or failed to complete these tasks, and allow them to expire, you will be prohibited from attending placement or removed from placement effective immediately. You will also receive a non-compliance notification that your case has been escalated to the Placements Manager and your Phase Lead/Head of Program.
Bond University's Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine and our partnered health facilities do not honour conscientious objection to vaccinations.
If you are a 'non-responder' to one or more vaccines or have contraindications to vaccinations, we recommend you consult with an infectious disease physician to discuss risks and options prior to undertaking your chosen program.
If you are pregnant during your studies, specific guidelines apply to ensure the wellbeing of both you and your baby and that you receive the support you need. Download the Pregnancy and your studies guidelines.
Undertaking a Health Sciences and Medicine program can be physically and emotionally demanding.
Please let us know if you have special needs we can accommodate to help you succeed in your studies. If you are pregnant, have conscientious objections to vaccinations, a criminal conviction or health challenges that may make it difficult to complete the requirements of your program or register to practice with your relevant registration board, please seek guidance from the Faculty's Office of Student Affairs & Service Quality prior to commencing your program (or during your program if your circumstances change). Contact
Still need help?
Being Fit To Practice is your responsibility but we are here to help make the process as easy as possible for you.
If you have any queries or require a face-to-face appointment with the Fit To Practice Co-ordinator, please contact us by emailing: [email protected]
Important links
Medical and Health Service
The Medical Clinic is a service for currently enrolled Students and Staff members of Bond University. Make an appointment with our Doctor on +61 7 5595 4043. Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm
Bond Student Wellbeing. Student Wellbeing is committed to providing programs, services and a supportive environment to ensure the wellbeing of all students both on campus and off-shore. Our student wellbeing team is prepared with an all encompassing
Bond University is committed to providing a supportive learning environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students where they can complete higher education programs at the same rate as, or at a better rate than, non-Indigenous students.
We strongly encourage Bond students and staff to familiarise themselves with Bond University’s policies and procedures, and to observe the regulations, rules, and policies of the University.
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